Excuse me while I dust the cobwebs off my blog.
There. All better.
So I didn't fall off the face of the Earth or win a million dollars or move to a remote location with no internet access. I have simply been neglecting my blog. I would say I've been SO busy and I just haven't had time to post, but I've watched WAY too much of the Olympics and taken far too many naps to use that as an excuse.
So a LOT has been going on this summer. I have been busy, just not too busy to write.Try, if you can, to remember way back to June. You know, before we had weeks of triple-digit temperatures and Summer was still something we were excited about! A couple weeks after
Mike and I went to San Francisco, I went home to Wichita for a long weekend.
Back in April, all the
Fiesta excitement me left me with a hankerin' for the Wichita River Festival and food on a stick. With an American Airlines 15% off coupon I booked my ticket and I started alerting the natives. You know, Dad, Grandma, LeighAnn.....
I arrived on a Friday around lunch time and since it seems like most trips to Wichita require I see every last one of my extended family members, Dad first took me to my Aunt Marlene's office, where I also got to see my cousins Kim and Susan as well as my Aunt Margaret. (Aunt Marlene is sort of a gravitational force for family members, really.) Susan and Kim were headed to RiverFest for lunch at the food court. Since that was really my main reason for being in Wichita (and Father's Day and to see my family!) Dad and I tagged along.
Armed with tickets, I headed out to make my selection. I ended up with a Gyro. Yum!
We managed to find a shady table, although we still managed to catch Dad with his eyes closed!
That evening we ate at my most favorite restaurant in the whole world: Il Vicino. We met my cousins April and Mitch there. They run a sprinkler system company and they had a HILARIOUS story about a very complicated job they did for Kirstie Alley at her new home in Wichita!
I made a commitment to myself to do some form of exercise every day for 90 days, starting June 1st. So I had to get some running in while I was there. Of course, I forgot my toiletry bag and I had no hair ties or barrettes and I just can't run with my hair down. Dad recommended office supplies and hey, it worked! (Taking them was not so fun, though.) A trip to Target's "sample aisle" followed after the first run.
I enjoyed spending time with Dad's cats: Cookie, Benny and Smokey (not pictured, cuz he's a jerk).
Cookie |
Benny |
I got to go to Bobbie Sue's first birthday party. She's my cousin thrice removed (I looked it up, she's my 1st cousin's granddaughter).
There was a lot of pink. |
On Saturday night, my friend LeighAnn and her boyfriend Mike were nice enough to pick me up and take me to the Fireworks downtown! The wind delayed the show a bit, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Mike suggested ice cream after the show, so he definitely has my approval. Sadly I didn't get a picture with Mike and LeighAnn. :( All we have are the memories!
On Sunday, I got to check out my cousin Kim's farm.
She has miniature horses.... |
And goats.... |
And ducks (including this baby one!)... |
And a donkey.... |
And horses.... |
And a dog and a cat and I'm sure some other animals I'm forgetting! She literally has a farm! It was so fun to see all the animals!
On the day I left, Monday, I was able to sneak in an appointment with my cousin Mindy to get a hair cut. She's probably the most talented stylist who has ever touched my hair. I just can't pay the going rate for a flight to Wichita each time I get my hair cut! My hair was SO thick and she took so much out. I felt much better when she was done!
She cut all that hair off my head! (With our feet to show scale.) |
Thanks Mindy! :) |
It was a great trip and I can't wait to get back to see everyone!