Monday, May 21, 2012

Feeding Friendship: Basil Pesto Pizza

This round of Feeding Friendship (for which I'm oh so late!) feature nuts! I'll admit, I had to scramble a bit as life has been hectic and I didn't get my act together quick enough. I did realize that something I had planned to cook anyway included nuts, however! My favorite basil pesto pizza! The pesto contains pine nuts!
Pine nuts!

This recipe is sort of just in my head, but it originated from the interwebs. A couple years ago I "Googled" how to make basil pesto and it went a little something like this:

2-3 loosely packed cups of basil leaves (I highly recommend growing your own. Smells amazing. Grows like crazy. WAY cheaper!)
1/4-1/2 cup pine nuts
1/4-1/2 cup parmesan cheese
2-3 cloves of garlic
1-2 T olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
(Told you it was all in my head!!)

Naan bread or your favorite pizza crust option
Shredded mozzarella cheese
Other toppings of your choice!

1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2) Place basil, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, garlic, salt and pepper in the food processor.

3)  If your food processor has a drip hole for olive oil (inside the "lid" for the round column part), pour the oil in there while processing the basil mix. Otherwise, simply add the oil before processing.

4) Taste periodically to see if more salt/garlic/pepper/cheese/etc is needed.

5) Smear the pesto onto your pizza crust. Add any toppings and the mozzarella cheese.

6) Bake for 7-10 min. Until cheese is melted and lightly browned.

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